Welcome to the Lenden Legacy, my first "official" legacy I will be posting. Prepare for a party.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Lenden Legacy: Chapter 1: All's fair in Love and War

Harry here was a big foodie. He loved walking around in his undies, doing nothing but cooking. So obvioudly it was up to me to get him a life.
Delisa Derph. Awful, awful last name, but a pretty face. Intelligent aswell I might add.
Harry would talk to her about going green, and she stood there dazed. Smart, yet dumb... First, eh?
Then she gave me a creepy smile. o_O
Harry just walked off to the bathroom, doing stuff a founder does, like pooping :)
After his potty break it was off to the TV to have a chat with Delisa. I bet it was along the lines of "Ya know Delsi, if ya turn the dough, it mixes?"
Delsi was more of an air head and ignored him, an obvious statement
Being eco friendly, and having so little money, it was obvious a bike was the right choice! Look how happy he looks, saving the virtual enviorment! ^_^
He went over to his neighbors home, as the rest and called to chat to Delsi since no one was home :l

Makes no sense. It was 9:54 pm.
He then met a very interesting girl named Luna...
The next morning, after thinking over al the people he met, Harry made waffles. Toffee waffles just for FuryRed ^_^
Nothing left to do but call Luna.
maybe have some mildly terryfing faces, and look constipated too?
Luna appeared moment later. Shes darlin' ain't she? ;D
I just love the way he turns the invisible mixing bowl to impress her. Like that would, I mean she has heart shorts, gotta try harder Harry.
In the end Luna abilged to come inside.
Harry here is also a good humorist... oh lordy
He started with jokes... she looks amused <_< style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 400px; height: 300px;" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEizW_TfBzVkgx64TvaWIyU82D0hdyMgg-Jz0cZezZLm7xjEfOyV9YqzpZNp15ZJFYdVmPLHoIUhtH7Sdj46PFjVVVYXecbozfrQTFnCeNqEX2WJnbmrIym3qvAZzowNaRWBEkYCv5bb0dFG/s400/Screenshot-4403.jpg" border="0" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5551101403335850802">Then she burst out laughing
Then he started laughing
It turned into me laughing at them. I rofled
Then they stopped, probably because I have a goofy laugh.
Then it was off to some harmless flirting, and awkwered faces of Harry's part.
Then a hug,
whiched moved into a massage,
which moved into a kiss,
which moved into an embrace,
which moved into a blank stare from Luna...
then some cooking from Harry. Wow. How interesting *rolls eyes*
Okay, well this got exciting fast! O_O
Yes, and they both like it.
Then they RUINED the mood by EATING WAFFLES!
Then it was some staring. I just sat there dazed as they did.
Then, out of the blue, Harry asked for them to be bf/gf. Moving fast now, aren't we?
Then another makeout session.
Then, Harry tried to make a move, but Luna had nothing of it, and went and sat on the couch. He joined her.
They must've gotten into a very intesnt conversation because I lol'd at there faces xD
Then some more staring... I'm begging to worry.
Then the opposite sitting positions I would expect o_o
Oh goodness.
Then some pointing towards the bed ;)

Until Next time, Alex!


  1. ;)
    Yey! Make sure to follow to get my updates!

  2. AMAZING!!!!

    As usual, since everything you do Sims-wise is amazing. :) I loveee it!! I liked the smart, air-head blondie better though, because thats how my friends describe me. xD Anywayzzz, Can't wait for Chapter 2!!

    BTW:: This is Becky (Ya know, that awesome girl on Facebook? yeah me. :D lol)
